FATAMORGANA, an Experimental Fashion Show

OLO - Jakub Polanka - Sylva Lauerova. An experimental fashion show performed on the occasion of the opening the Brussels Dream exhibition.
Fatamorgana - an experimental fashion show developed from an idea by a pair of authors, OLOandPolanka.
OLO(visual artist and fashion stylist - Prague) was asked to participate artistically in the opening of the Brussels Dream exhibition in Prague. This exhibition was a retrospective on the attendance of Czechoslovakia at the EXPO 58 world fair in Brussels as well as a taste of early 60’s lifestyle.
OLO addressed Jakub Polanka (a Paris-based Czech fashion designer), with whom she has long had a successful working relationship, and the FATAMORGANA show was born. Both artists asked me to present the show with my own text. We created an extravagantly futuristic piece - OLO directed the whole show, Jakub Polanka designed the fashion collection and I took care of the spoken word.
The audience were enthusiastic about the show and we were asked by several agencies to perform Fatamorgana again. Well - so it was performed again, most recently during Designblok 2008(the Czech Days of Design).